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Dear Money

What has been the toughest question you’ve come across in your life? 

The most uncomfortable and unfounded question to which, I’m at the answering end is, “What do u want do?”, “what are your plans for the FUTURE?”, “Where do u see yourself 10 years from Now?” and the Likes of such…. Which makes human life compulsorily planned and banal...
I need to applaud, all those who’ve got an answer to this Question. About 90% of the answers to this question will be to pursue a good education (good=high scores or highly ranked by others) that will lead to an ample (ample is amplified 100 times over), and get “settled” (wanderers were u, before???), and MARRY the one you ‘love’, or 4 the unlucky “1’s” (singles) like me... just get MARRIED for the “Heck” of it.. I’m Sorry, not for the “Heck” of it but have a well-planned life, not just for yourself but also for your children, in (some cases for the over-ambitious, more intelligent and “well-organized” plan for their grand-children as well, planning just does not stay there, the well planned life settles in the posh, centrally air-conditioned lockers of the banks).
I’m not saying that one must not hope or plan for tomorrow but don’t lose your distinctiveness, the persona that make u so special, merely to amass affluence for the generations to come, and call it as hard-work, well planned and success. One can be called a Successful person only if he has done some good for himself and others, and enjoys every split second doing it. All the answers to the above questions are just for the heck of it, or may be to demonstrate your worth to somebody else.
I can sense hostility and defiance towards my school of thought, creeping or already crept into your mind, u may possibly be lured to believe that I’m a sluggish goof, scared to dream and toil for tomorrow, trying to take asylum in the phony sense of free will and autonomy. Yes I’m scared, but not to dream or to work for it, but I’m scared that I’ll have to call my ‘whims, fancies, desires and lusts’ as dreams. I’m scared of losing my ‘today’, in trying to secure the ‘tomorrows’, because:

I fear that, My dreams,
Conceived with the purity of milk,
Nurtured with the sweetness of Honey,
And tendered by the softness of Silk;
Will be forcibly married off to Money.

The thing that amuses me most is Why do we have to compel ourselves to live a seemingly “Well Planned” Life, and crib on the slightest deviations from it. Isn’t life much more fun and simpler if we can take things as they come and lead a rather much more rewarding life?? Why do we have to take the trouble of planning for the next generation, and rub it on to them forcibly? Plan and dream for yourself, it is really difficult if take the money out of the dream and then try to dream and plan for your future... don’t defile your dreams with the sins of money.


  1. Bayankaraa start for a day one blogger macha. I didnt understand half the words but i understood the jist of what you wanted to say.

    Great going.

    Please post atleast once in a day irrespective of the topic.

  2. Good one Prahmos!

    Swalpa complicated subject.

    U say that dreams shouldn't be linked with money, u also say that u will get married just for the sake of getting married. Then what is that u want to dream !!
    (Neither Money nor Girl!!)

    May be i will assume food in u'r case.

    You say by planning, we will crib or feel bad when we deviate from the plan.

    So Stop Planning ?? Or just understand the fact that whatever we plan cannot be executed.

    But a plan is nothing but steps to achieve your dream !!!

    With My Experience i can say more than achieving the goal the journey when we try achieving it is more enjoyable.

    This is just any other angle !!

  3. Thank U,

    I say that it difficult to dream beyond money. Are u sure of how much money u want or which girl u wanna marry (precisely).

    Yes people do crib when even for the slightest of deviations, though they deviate for their loved ones.

    I don't say one must not dream for the future, dream more than money, dream like that is really hard to be planned.

    I agree with ur view that, journey in realizing ur "DREAM" is much more rewarding than accomplishing it.

    As far as I'm concerned I've not been able to dream precisely what i want apart from money, that the driving point i wanted to make in this blog.

    As far as Food, the love for it is perennial. Even the most greedy man or the Most successful man, wud be delighted when treated with a good meal.

    There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
    George Bernard Shaw


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