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Showing posts from December, 2008

Divided!! I Say We were Never United.

Unity in Diversity… The country's USP... well I don't know who coined this phrase… but it is such a wonderful tagline that camouflages , all the ill feelings and differences in our country from the eyes of the world and also from our own. One great civilization, in search of which the Europeans dared to explore the rough seas, and which was indirectly responsible for how the present world atlas looks, was divided into 2 nations, and bloodily on the basis of religion. Further ruled by our own countrymen we were divided into states, with divide running into languages, subsequent reservations and cultural policies divided us on basis of castes and sub-castes. I agree the castes and sub-caste existed even before the independence, but with Govt. having politics, policies biased by caste they simply reinforced the ugly scheme of things by simply reversing the hierarchy of stately support to these castes. 60 year old, we still call ourselves a Young Country to cover up the impunity o

Coloured Wings

Butterfly, a wonderful insect, viewed as a symbol of freedom, cheerfulness, zeal and vigor, a dutiful member of the food chain, A spring is unimaginable in the absence of these lovable fluttering insects, to the poets, playwright and also to the scientists. I had a thought about them too, sort of interesting. Why do we humans have an insatiable penchant for the bright and glitterati, with the example of the Butterfly, I want to put across my point, the butterfly is an ugly looking caterpillar, which morphs itself in a cocoon into a brightly coloured butterfly. How many times have you admired, or heard people admire a caterpillar, photographed them and cherishing the cocoon etc. Come spring when the lazy, ugly worm flies out to be a brightly coloured insect, from photographers to artists, to writers to poets go romantic and ecstatic in praising the butterfly. Scientists and nature enthusiasts run over hills and vales to catch, admire them and cherish t