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Love of Passion

Do you know how to feel love, for the very first time, and to feel it again and again every single time!!? In this brief and rather inexperienced life that I have lived, I have fallen in love for a number of times than that I can count. And on every such occasion I can feel a rush of energy, emotions, zeal, aspirations and a great sense of hope towards life.

Isn't it amazing, that, how bundling a bunch of positive buzz words to describe something that the world has talked about over a zillion times in over a zillion ways, and yet there is always something  amiss, a void. There’s a lacuna in those descriptions that no words can fill. It’s one of many such things about life that has to be felt, experienced and cherished in all its fullness and emptiness, in times that it worked and in times it didn't, and also the times that you made a fool of yourselves trying to make it work. But then, always its best description is in the heart, mind, body and soul of the person experiencing the rush!!!!

Although love is a feeling triggered mostly by the sight, it is celebrated in bewilderment of a touch. Taking nothing away from the sanctity and sacredness of true love of passion, but it’s no denying, at least in my enchanted opinion that the happiest and truest love lives, survives and thrives in the tender and sensuous touch of lovers.

I have enjoyed this perversely romantic, extra-sensory extravaganza of human experience every time the serum of an elegant pen flows on the body of a spotless white paper, pushing away all thoughts and inhibitions and blatantly engaging in...
PDA – Published Digital Account..!!


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